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Financial Health Check
What is the meaning of Financial Health Check?

This is a self-survey system on your own finance. During the process, you can analyze your own needs and find out the suitable solutions to achieve your “needs”, for now and future, with a steady and solid financial foundation.

Why we should have a Financial Health Check?

A Financial Health Check is similar to a Body Check. Body Check is for our body health, like checking BMI and blood pressure. Financial Health Check is for our financial health. We should have different needs at different stage of our life, and we should have a steady financial foundation before satisfying these needs. We at WM District provide a high quality and innovated financial service, which harmony with your needs. You will understand more about your financial needs through taking our Financial Health Check, and make a right decision. Our Financial Consultants are well-trained and qualified; they will offer you suitable suggestions and solutions. Let us do more for you and achieve your life-long financial goal!

Retirement planning
What is your ideal retirement life like? Is it more time with family and friends? Is to be self-sufficient and live with dignity? According to statistics, most people in Hong Kong live in poverty at old age, only one in five of the people who retire, live securely or a well-off life.

Here is living index report (monthly income in HKD) of senior citizen who is over 60:

Rich > $20,000: 2.3%
Steady $5,000 - $20,000: 18.7%
Bare enough $3,000 - $ 5,000: 21.5%
Poverty < $3,000: 57.5%

Only a few people could enjoy a wealthy retirement life, do you want to be one of them?

If you do or want to understand more about our plan and service, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Income protection
If you have a golden egg and a goose that laid golden eggs, which one is more important in your opinion? In real life, you are the only goose that lays golden eggs, as long as you exist, you can create your wealth. So, bear in mind the protection of the production in fact is more important than the protection of assets!

The fundamental of protecting your wealth is to protect the production, in the event of an unfortunate death, will your assets be sufficient to meet the household expenses of your family, your mortgage and their cash needs?

Hu Shi said “Preparing for tomorrow today, is to be as solid as you can be. Preparing for death in life time, which is really being broad minded. Preparing for children as parents, this is true love. How can you be called modern if you are not able to do these three points?”

As there is no saving element involved in a regular life insurance, you can prepare a life protection to your family with a lower premium; on the other hand for life insurance with savings component, it is commonly regarded as long-term investment instruments and more flexible because clients can adjust the sum insured and premiums to suit the needs of different stages of life.

Please act now, for your beloved family members, do a good job of wealth protection. We would like to learn more about wealth protection scheme? Please feel free to contact us.

Education saving
Education Reserve Fund

In today’s harsh working environment, every industry has seen an increase in demand for highly educated people with different qualifications. These qualifications will determine if you can develop your career, get promotion opportunities and increase your income. Therefore, it is best to start off a quality education fund for your beloved child as soon as possible!

Education Fund = Big Hole in Your Pocket?

It is an indisputable fact that your education is proportionate to your personal income. In fact, do you know how much it costs for your children to go to school in different countries and places? How many parents can afford the expensive funding for university education overseas?

We have the answer to it and it is: As long as we prepare in advance, the target can be achieved gradually. As the old saying goes “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Do you wish to be a part of this group of people? We at WM District believe all our clients are sophisticated and are prepared to do anything it takes to provide a better future for their children.

Would like to learn more about our education fund plan? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Illness care
Injury protection

In everyday life, you may pass each day without any extraordinary events happening, however, unpredictable things can happen at any time, accidents, illness, unexpected expenses; these things affect your normal expenditure, and add extra weight to an already heavy economic burden.

Why take a chance on your life to the unknown?

The result of changing medical technology is ever-increasing medical costs, and these expenses have gradually shifted from government to the public, together with younger patients with chronic disease trends, health care can not be ignored. According to statistics, 66% of the people of Hong Kong in the absence of post-retirement health care and the use of reserves, the people of Hong Kong generally have less than an average of only HKD 200,000 set aside to meet emergency needs, in fact, this risk is very high.

Do you have enough to face the unpredictable accidents it? How much is enough? What to buy? Let our elite financial consultants help you.

Would like to learn more about our plan? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Premium Financing
Whether you are an existing customer, or intend to purchase a new policy, the feature of "Premium Financing" on one hand allows you to enjoy the protection and benefits that come with the policy. It also allows a more abundant flow of funds, flexible financial management then, and at the same time enjoys growth of your assets.

Flexible funding arrangements

  • Premium Financing’s features loans up to 90% of the policy cash value or surrender value (depending on the type of insurance policies), and the values range from HKD200,000 to HKD 7,800,000.
  • You will be able to enjoy these low interest loans and protection, and be able to take out a significant proportion of the premiums paid. This way there is potential for maximum utilization for your finances.
  • Even if you are an existing customer, you may use our Premium Financing feature to get a loan in cash from the existing cash value and surrender value. The guaranteed amount will remain unchanged, to help you value the assets more effectively.

Enjoy preferential low-interest

WM District endeavor to provide special loan interest rates, as low as HIBOR (Hong Kong) or LIBOR (USD) plus 1.2 per cent, we provide the same monetary policy loans, such as the policy of U.S. dollar-denominated loans will be in U.S. dollars, while Hong Kong dollar denominated loans will be in Hong Kong dollar loans.

Flexible Payments

You can choose to 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, to pay the interest and clients may choose to return the principal of the loan on the due date. Flexible payments will allow you stronger and convenient financial management.

Would like to learn more about our service? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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